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Your church facilities - be they a traditional church, a meeting room, a converted house, a school, or a campground - require good stewardship to provide a safe, secure, and welcoming place for your programs.


Caring for your building is an important ministry.


• Will the furnace survive the winter?

• Does the electrical system meet current needs?

• Does the roof need replacing?

• Can the carbon footprint be reduced?

• How do I keep a project on time and on budget?


Find the answers to these questions and more in the Our House of Worship series.

Our House of Worship: How to Identify Major and Minor Maintenance Needs

Our House of Worship: How to Manage Major Maintenance and Remodel Projects

Our House of Worship: How to Identify Major and Minor Maintenance Needs

Knowing the current state of your facility is key to prioritizing repairs, renovations, or remodels.


Learn how to:

  • Research your building's maintenance and remodel history
  • Identify your building's current condition from A to Z
  • Prioritize the building survey results
  • Present your findings to the Church Council




Our House of Worship: How to Identify Major and Minor Maintenance Needs

Our House of Worship: How to Manage Major Maintenance and Remodel Projects

This handy book is a detailed guide for the volunteer Building Steward, walking through the entire renovation and remodel process.


Learn how to:

  • Communicate with the Church Council and the Congregation
  • Identify which professionals you need and how to choose them
  • Prepare a detailed list of what to include in the bid
  • Keep a project on time and on budget
  • Deal with on-going issues, chusch as cleaning and special events
  • Plan future building needs

Our House of Worship: How to Manage Major Maintenance and Remodel Projects